

Este es el diseño final de mi Alebriko! Chequenlo!
KUKUL-CHAAK es el alebriko de la furia. Le encanta buscar pretexto para hacer desmanes, romper y destruir propiedad ajena. No le intimida el tamaño de su enemigo, ya que tiene confianza en poder derrotar al que se le enfrente. Es fusion de guerrero serpiente con un demonio maya

This is the final design for my Alebriko! Check it out KUKUL-CHAAK is the alebriko of rage. He loves to find an excuse for excesses, break and destroy property. He is never intimidated by the size of his enemy, cause he has confidence in defeating him. It'sa fusion with a demon and a snake mayan warrior.

Link to the Alebriko's project: http://lexrevolter.blogspot.com/

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